Week of September 27 - October 1st
1. Click on the Google Classroom Icon and practice logging in
Join my GCR 4th Grade code is:
EEW: rkab4tn
NHE: 6p5sxq7
Once joined go to the waffle on the right hand corner
Open up Google Docs
Click on blank document
Title document Computer Lab Rules
2. Watch Google Classroom Videos Episodes 1
3. May choose one of the posters on our Lab Rules and TYPE in Google Docs - be as creative with fonts and images.
May also include rules that we use that are not on my lab rules.
Most Creative will be on display
4. Choose the Welcome Back Bookshelf if completed
5. Choose a Word Search with Technology Vocabulary
Week of September 27 - October 1st
1. Click on the Google Classroom Icon and practice logging in
Join my GCR 4th Grade code is:
EEW: rkab4tn
NHE: 6p5sxq7
Once joined go to the waffle on the right hand corner
Open up Google Docs
Click on blank document
Title document Computer Lab Rules
2. Watch Google Classroom Videos Episodes 1
3. May choose one of the posters on our Lab Rules and TYPE in Google Docs - be as creative with fonts and images.
May also include rules that we use that are not on my lab rules.
Most Creative will be on display
4. Choose the Welcome Back Bookshelf if completed
5. Choose a Word Search with Technology Vocabulary
1. GCR
EEW: rkab4tn
NHE: 6p5sxq7
NHE: 6p5sxq7
2. Google Video
3. Computer Lab Rules
4. Book Shelves
5. Word Search
Usernames and Passwords for common sites:
K5Tech: Username: nh123
Password: abc123
BrainPop; Username: NHCS
Password: Rockets1234!
Epic Class code: heu4547
K5Tech: Username: nh123
Password: abc123
BrainPop; Username: NHCS
Password: Rockets1234!
Epic Class code: heu4547