DK & Kdg 21
DK & Kdg 20
DK & Kdg W18/19
DK & Kdg W17 S2
Grd 1 W21
Grd 1 20
Grd 1 W18/19
Grd 1 W17
Grd 2 W21
Grd 2 W20
Grd 2 W18/19
Grd 2 W17
Grd 3 W21
Grd 3 W20
Grd 3 W18/19
Grd 4 W21
Grd 4 W20
Grd 4 W18/19
Grd 4 W17
Grd 5 W21
Grd 5 W20
Grd 5 W18/19
Grd 5 W17
October Holiday Games
November Holiday Games
December Holiday Games
January Holiday Games
February Holiday Games
March Holiday Games
April Holiday Games
May Holiday Games
June Holiday Games
Virtual Field Trips
Lab Rules
September Bookshelf
November Bookshelf
October Bookshelf
January Bookshelf
February Bookshelf
March Bookshelf
April Bookshelf
May Bookshelf
June Bookshelf
When work is done & Sub Plans 3rd - 5th Grade
Target Goal
Learning Target
Students will
drop and drag and manipulate objects while learning math skills appropriate to grade level
Week of
June 6 - 10
1. Free Time
1. Free Time
Summer Activities
When Work is Done & Fun Friday Games
June Bookshelf
Click on your grade level for games
Lego Virtual Tour
Virtual Field Trip
Virtual Field Trip to Space
How Peanut Butter is Made
How Sandwich Cookies Are Made
Games & Stories
How it's Made
Visit 9 Aquariums
How it's Made
How Pizza is Made
How it's made
Disney Coloring
Usernames and Passwords for common sites:
K5Tech: Username: nh123
Password: abc123
BrainPop; Username:
Epic Class code: